Jim Kerr - Alaska Juggler
  Gravity > Musings in progress . . .

 Did you ever wonder . . .





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Using very simple math The Newton's Law of Gravitation tells us that the attraction of stuff to other stuff changes inversely as the square of the distance between them and varies in direct proportion to the product of there masses. Now the big question is this --What is the speed of gravity? Newton's theory of gravity states that all masses pull all other masses instantaneously. However, in 1905 Einstein published his famous theory of special relativity which stated that the speed of light is the fastest speed any energy can go -- 299,792 km/sec is tops. So who is right? Is it Einstein or Newton?
If you were to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, how heavy would it be?

British physicist C. V. Boys calculated the weight of the world to be 6.10**24 kilograms.
While tethered to the terrestrial jugglers are prone to test finer points of
the laws of gravitation on a daily basis.


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